Giving birth is a life-changing experience. Our practices are here to help you throughout your labor and delivery experience. Explore your birthing options and discuss what is right for you with your partner and healthcare provider.

Making Your Birth Plan

When making a birth plan, the best way to go about it is to lay out clear and specific intentions while remaining flexible. Having a plan will give you confidence going into your delivery experience. However, it is important to be aware that plans may need to change to best protect your health and your baby’s health. Your labor and delivery team will strive to help you have a fulfilling birth experience that meets all your goals while keeping your best interests at the forefront.

Natural Birth


Natural birth involves going into labor without being induced and having a vaginal delivery without pain medication. Women who have experienced a healthy pregnancy without complications are good candidates for natural childbirth. While using certain medications to reduce pain or having an epidural to eliminate pain is safe, they have inherent risks. Some women are drawn to natural childbirth to experience every moment. Natural birth involves no surgery, which decreases the recovery time and allows you to return to normal activities sooner. An added benefit is that you are not immobilized from an epidural after your baby is born.

Vaginal Birth

Vaginal birth involves giving birth through the vagina with the assistance of medication. Some pain medications can take the edge off the overwhelming physical sensations and pain that occur during childbirth. You may also choose to have an epidural, which is a form of anesthesia administered by injection inserted into the lower part of your back. Many women who are induced choose to have an epidural because the contractions from the induction can be even stronger than those that occur during natural childbirth.

Scheduled Cesarean

More commonly known as a C-section, this surgical procedure makes an incision in the abdomen and uterus to deliver the baby. There are some instances where vaginal birth may be risky, so scheduling a C-section can protect the health of the mother-to-be or her baby, such as:

  • Women who have had a C-Section in the past
  • Certain problems with the placenta like placenta previa
  • Presence of a medical condition such as diabetes or high blood pressure
  • Infections like HIV or herpes passed on to a baby during vaginal birth

Unplanned Cesarean

Certain complications might arise during a vaginal birth or natural birth that necessitate an unplanned cesarean or C-section. As your healthcare provider, we want you to obtain your desired birth experience, but it is also our obligation to ensure you and your baby are healthy. Issues that may cause an unplanned C-section include the following:

  • Labor is not progressing
  • Cord compression occurs in which the umbilical cord becomes wound around the baby’s neck or body or becomes trapped between the baby’s head and the mother’s pelvis
  • A prolapsed cord happens when the umbilical cord comes out of the cervix before the baby does
  • Abruptio placentae occurs in which the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus prior to the baby being born
  • Fetal distress takes place when your baby’s rate becomes irregular

Vaginal Birth after C-Section (VBAC)

Women who have given birth via C-section previously may be able to experience a vaginal birth if they have a healthy, low-risk pregnancy that occurs at least 18 months after their previous delivery. The most significant determining factor is the type of incision used for the C-section. If it was a high vertical incision, it is not recommended because that type of incision increases the risk of a uterine rupture. You might be a candidate if the incision was a low transverse or low vertical incision. Talk to your doctor about your options, and they will help by making recommendations based on your circumstances.

Scheduled Induction

Typically, inductions are not scheduled before reaching 39 weeks. They may be recommended for women:

  • Who are 1 to 2 weeks past their original due date
  • With a high-risk pregnancy
  • Who have reached full term and are experiencing significant discomfort
  • Who live far away from the hospital or birthing center
  • With previous short labor

There are risks associated with scheduling an induction related to the presence of additional medical interventions. This can lead to potential complications such as stress on the baby and increases the likelihood of an unplanned C-section. Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of planning an induction so you can make an informed decision that is right for you.

Schedule Your Appointment

If you are pregnant or thinking about becoming pregnant, contact the team at our practice. We provide patient-centered care in a comfortable environment, so you receive the support and guidance you need during your pregnancy.